Sims 3: Hundred Baby Challenge

Generation 1.5 Part 1 of 2

Posted on: August 15, 2012

Kim loves Cal just as she loved Josh, but, as with Josh, Kim still wishes she had had a girl. Since she can’t replace Cal with a girl, she’s going to have another child and hope it’s a girl.

Kim got elecrocuted while fixing the dishwasher (it’s still not fixed).

Zoe went on a school field trip to the police station, and brought back a souvenir: a mounted police badge.

Kim decides to add to the family without getting pregnant: she adopted a cat! His name is Bobby, named after his breed: American Bobtail. He’s an elder, and he’s non-destructive and neat. A small bed and litter box was bought for him.

Josh has aged up into a child! He rolled Frugal for a new trait.

Josh’s new look. JOSSSHHH… ANGRYYY! (…?)

Kim’s time has come, and she has become a slightly older adult. Except for a few wrinkles, she looks exactly the same. She seems a bit horrified at having the wrinkles, and she gets a midlife crisis. Hopefully, unlike Zoe’s mood swing, this won’t end with getting arrested.

She decided that she has to look more mature, but less wrinkly, so here are her new clothes and makeup.

Matt has turned into a teenager! He rolled Neat for a new trait.

Matt’s new look.

Patch’s birthday! You can’t really see much of a difference except for size.

And the last birthday of the day: Cal’s.

Cal’s new look. (I kept the dinosaur shirt because it was super cute).

Bobby is learning the hunting skill with one of Collie’s chew toys, but it looks more like he is hugging the toy than trying to capture it.

Matthew is already helping out by teaching Cal how to talk.

Kim has not had time to paint since Matt was born. Having two children was tough, but four was even harder. However, now that she had two teens to help her and only one toddler to take care of, Kim had some time to herself. She chose to use this time to start painting again.

See what I mean? Matt already taught Cal how to talk and now he’s working on walking.

A pond was made in the backyard so Bobby could hunt for fish. Bobby was really excited. Kim was also excited; so excited, in fact, that in commemoration of her excitement, an extra picture of Bobby enjoying the pond, with a caption — courtesy of Kim — underneath, was uploaded to this site.

Okay… dead fish… not so adorable.

Tomorrow is prom for the teens and Mathew De La Cruz (De) asked Zoe out. Matt still doesn’t have a date, and Irene Parrott had come home with Zoe after school. “Perfect!” he exclaims, and starts flirting. He doesn’t seem to care that his mother had once tried to hook up with her father. Either way, Irene accepts!!

On an unrelated topic, I’ve been thinking: Everyone in the household has a nickname but Zoe. Kimberly’s is Kim, Matthew’s is Matt, Joshua’s is Josh, Caleb’s is Cal.. But Zoe is Zoe. Therefore, I am giving Zoe the only nickname that I could think of giving a Sim whose name is already so short: Zo.

Josh is going on a field trip to Wolfson’s Hospital and Research Facility with his class at school.

Time for prom!! A limousine drives up in front of the house and picks up Zo and Matt.

An exclusive look inside the limo that drove Zo and Matt to prom. It even has Irene in there — she had come to Matt’s place before prom. Let’s hope that even though De didn’t come over, he’s still coming to prom with Zo. Another thought: Since even Mathew De La Cruz has a nickname, Irene should have one too. Ir? No. Irrie? No: It souns like eerie. I shall call her Iris, not only because it kind of sort of maybe sounds like her real name, but also because the color of the dress she has on tonight is the color of the flower iris.

Unfortuntely, prom is a rabbithole, so all I get is little messages telling me what my Sims are up to. Sorry it’s so small; you can click here to enlarge the picture. Also the pictures go in order: they’re numbered for your convenience. But wait… if Matt is Prom King and Zo is Prom Queen… wouldn’t that mean they would be ‘together together’?

*Fashion show host voice* *really loud dubstep music* And now for the prom fashion show! Here’s Dakota Fox! (*fan girls cheering*)

Nikole Fox! (*fan girls cheering*)

Matthew Nicholson! (*fan girls cheering extra loudly*)

Zoe Nicholson! (*fan girls cheering extra loudly*)

Jose Bianco! (*fan girls cheering*)

Donnie Pelly! (*fan girls cheering*)

Irene Parrott! (*fan girls cheering louder than usual, but still not as loud as for Matt or Zo*)

Andrea Bedlington!

Dedric Johns! *end fashion show host voice and very loud dubstep music*

The King’s Crown (on the right) and the Queen’s Crown (on the left).

Matt and Iris’s prom picture.  Why, Matt, why? Why would you make that silly, silly face? You look as if you’re mortally terrified, while Iris looks perfectly normal.

Zo and De’s picture seems to have the same problem. And another: While De is in the picture, he did not appear anywhere else during prom. Not in the limo. Not in any of the rabbithole messages — all I got is that Zoe noticed a lot of stuff, while Matt seemed to be the only one who actually interacted with his date. De never exited the school to be in the fashion show… which either means that he’s camera shy and took a less ostentatious side door out of the school, or that he was never in the school in the first place. Either way, Zo got stood up. De thought that if he was in the prom picture, it would be proof that he was at prom. But I know the truth. Zo knows the truth. And we’re both out for revenge.

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