Sims 3: Hundred Baby Challenge

Archive for the ‘Miscellaneous’ Category

Hi everyone, just a brief update. Unfortunately, I am going to be super busy these next few weeks, and will not be able to post.

“Generation 1.3” will be out the week of July 11th, and “Generation 1.4” will be out the week of July 18th. However, there will not be new posts the weeks of July 25th, August 1st, or August 8th.

Also, the “Posts So Far” and “List of Children” pages will not be updated until the week of August 15th.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Remember to vote on the name of the next girl to be born into the Nicholson household.

One of Kim’s biggest wishes is to have another girl. Though it is uncertain if she will have one or not, you, the readers, will get to decide on the name of the next girl born into the Nicholson family, no matter if it’s the daughter of Kim or Zoe!

Poll closes in one week!

Update: Poll closed. The name ‘Emma’ wins!

Welcome to my blog! Here I will be sharing my 100 Baby Challenge in the Sims 3, and all the things–good and bad–that befall my Sims.

New posts will be up every week: Read the rest of this entry »

Goal: Have 100 children in the least amount of generations as possible.

Overview: Create a Young Adult female, the ‘founder.’ Her goal is to meet men and have kids. The founder is Generation 0 (her children will be Generation 1, and the new mother’s kids will be Generation 2, and so on).

Rules: Read the rest of this entry »

Older Posts

Time until next post is published

August 15, 2012
A new post has been published!